French lentil salad with Green Garlic Vinaigrette

French Lentil Salad with Green Garlic Vinaigrette

Light and spring forward, green lentils hold their shape amazingly and are a great source of protein while the green garlic vinaigrette compliments the kale and walnuts perfectly. This is a true crowd-pleaser that can be served at your next picnic or party.

  • Prep Time25 min
  • Ready in30 min


    French Lentil Salad

    • 1 cup French Green Lentil
    • 1 bunch kale, trimmed & chopped
    • 1/2 cup walnuts, toasted
    • 1 shallot, diced
    • 3 Tbsp fresh mint,chopped

    Green Garlic Vinaigrette

    • 4 Tbsp olive oil
    • 3 stalks finley minced green garlic
    • 2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • honey, salt and pepper to taste

    Cooking Instructions


    First, make the green garlic vinaigrette. Whisk all ingredients to combine and adjust seasoning to taste. Set aside for later use.


    In a large saucepan, bring 2 cups water to a simmer then add lentils. Simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes until tender (taste to assess doneness).


    Drain the excess liquid. Then add green garlic vinaigrette, toss to coat and place in refrigerator to cool for about 20 minutes. Then add in kale, walnuts, mint and shallot.

    Make this salad your own by substituting different herbs or by adding chives, dill or a crumbly cheese like feta or chevre. Try swapping the walnuts for almonds if those are your favorite. Thinly sliced radishes are wonderful and they add a great textural element.

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