It's In Season — Citrus
This time of year we can’t get enough of citrus! For decades we’ve worked closely with local organic farmers and distributors that have come to know that our customers want variety! Every winter we’re happy to deliver such a diverse selection of citrus.

Citrus are Nutrient Dense Foods!
During cold and flu season, citrus fruits offer immune supporting vitamin C, which is best absorbed eating the whole fruit, rather than just in juice. Daily consumption of oranges can aid in toning up and purifying the entire system. A little lemon juice in water or in salad dressings can stimulate bile production to assist in fat digestion. Fresh grapefruit contains salicylic acid, which can dissolve inorganic calcium that may have formed deposits in the joints. Different citrus will offer different health properties, so mix up your consumption this winter*!
Ancestral Varieties
All citrus come from a handful of original varieties. Pomelos, mandarins and kumquats are all ancestral species (non-hybrid, original varieties). Pomelos are the largest member of all citrus fruits, with aromatic and sweet flavor, so juicy, and the texture is more meaty than your average orange or grapefruit. Sweet little kumquats can be eaten whole, skin, seeds and all! Before you pop them in your mouth, roll them between your hands to release some of the volatile oils and crush the flesh a little–it’s a way to marry all of the flavors together.

Hybrid Varieties
Just to give you a little fun insight into the wonderful world of hybridized citrus:
- The grapefruit is a hybrid of a pomelo and a sweet orange.
Clementines are hybrids of mandarin oranges and sweet oranges. - It is thought that the first oranges were hybrids of the mandarin and pomelo.
- The tangelo is a hybrid of a mandarin and a grapefruit.
Because of all of the spontaneous hybrids created by nature and conscious effort by farmers, there are thousands of varieties of citrus!
As of this writing in early February, we have 25 different varieties of citrus in our produce department–8 different varieties of grapefruit, 5 different varieties of oranges and 7 varieties of mandarins! Some of them have longer growing seasons so we will be able to offer them longer, and some will come and go quickly. Come to the Co-op and check out what we have today!
*Check with your health care provider to make sure citrus doesn’t conflict with medication you’re taking and to see if it is compatible with your body.
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