Make Every Day Earth Day

Every time you save packaging by bringing in your own bags, bottles, or jars, the Co-op will donate a nickel to a local organization. Grab a ticket at the register for each bag, bottle, or jar you are reusing and deposit it at the Community Giving space on your way out. Not only will you be helping the environment, you’ll also help support our local community.

2024 Beneficiaries

American River Parkway Foundation
The American River Parkway Foundation (APRF) leads and inspires the community to conserve and nurture the American River Parkway as a unique, accessible resource for everyone to enjoy.

Cosumnes River Preserve
Cosumnes River Preserve protects, restores and manages land and water to conserve Central Valley native plant and animal species, while also providing the public with opportunities for environmental education, outdoor recreation and scientific research.

Effie Yeaw Nature Center
The Effie Yeaw Nature Center is dedicated to providing educational and interpretive programs and information about the natural environment, principally in the American River Parkway.

Sacramento Tree Foundation
The Sacramento Tree Foundation works to grow thriving communities through stewardship of our urban forest. They steward the urban forest throughout its whole lifecycle from seed to slab, providing opportunities for community members to learn and get involved at every stage.

​​Sacramento Valley Conservancy​
​Sacramento Valley Conservancy (SVC) protects open space, including family-owned farms and ranches, in our region. SVC properties offer opportunities to hike, bike, ride horses, volunteer, trail run, camp, meditate and learn about plants and wildlife.​

Save the American River Association
Save the American River Association is the founder of the American River Parkway. Their mission is to protect and enhance the wildlife habitat, fishery, and recreational resources of the American River Parkway. They are also involved in legislative efforts that support the environment and environmental education.

​​Wildlife Care Association​
​Wildlife Care Association (WCA) is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of local wildlife. WCA is committed to educating and instructing the community in the respect, appreciation, and care of local wildlife.

5 Ways You Can Make Every Day Earth Day

Earth Day is quickly approaching, and with it comes a focus on being mindful of how our choices affect the earth. Here are 5 practical ways you can make every day Earth Day!

1. Shop in our bulk department.

Choose from over 700 items like grains, beans, culinary and medicinal herbs, olive oil, honey and freshly ground nut butter. You’ll save money while you ditch wasteful packaging! Buy as much or as little as you like!

2. Fill your own containers with bulk items and produce and bring tote bags to take your groceries home in.

This not only cuts down on waste, the Co-op will donate 5 cents to a local environmental organization for each bag or container you bring with our Make Every Earth Day program!

3. Choose products in reusable, biodegradable or recyclable packaging, not plastic.

Plastic never actually goes away. It is either buried, put in a landfill, or incinerated (and causes toxic pollution). By buying products in reusable or biodegradable packaging you’re voting with your dollar. The more people who choose alternative packaging increases the demand of this option and can eventually cut down on the production of products packaged in plastic. This short video simplifies the big business of plastic.

4. Choose to buy Certified Organic produce.

Organic farmers focus on soil fertility and preserving the soil for generations to come. They also protect wildlife, promote biodiversity, and preserve native ecosystems. Organic farming also preserves larger populations of beneficial organisms like bees, other pollinators and songbirds! You’re supporting the environment every time you buy produce at the Co-op because our produce is 100% organic!

5. Walk, ride your bike or take public transportation to shop at the Co-op!

It can be easy to reduce your carbon footprint while shopping at the Co-op! 29th Street light rail station is less than a block away, we have plenty of bike parking along R street and we even have EV parking and charging stations in our parking garage and parking lot.