Pi Day Pie Sale

Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op

Celebrate Pi Day with a slice of pie! Select slices of pie will be on sale all day on 3/14 for only $3.14.

Cheese Madness

Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op

Cheese Madness is back for 2023! Pick up your bracket form at the Cheese counter (or download and print it online) then guess which cheeses will be the most popular. Drop off your completed bracket at the cheese counter by Sunday, March 19. If you guess the winning bracket, you could win a pound of the winning […]

November is Member Month!

Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op

November is Member Month! Members can choose one day in November to take 10% off their shopping, all day. Not yet a Member? Members who join in the month of November will receive a custom tote bag, a coupon good for $5 off a purchase of $25 or more, and be automatically entered to win a gift basket plus Co-op gift card ($100 value).